Natural Solutions for Infertility – Guest Kathryn Ritchie’s Story of Recovery & Restoration

1 year ago

Have you been told you’ll never have children? If so – listen up! As a child, Kathryn was an active ballet dancer. During her teens, her family moved to Russia, and in October of 1999, she and her sister were hit by a drunk driver which killed her sister. The doctors were so busy treating her physical injuries but ignored other symptoms such as low energy. She was in pre-menopause in her 20’s and doctors told her that she couldn’t have children.

Kathryn saw over 50 doctors all over the country (including the Mayo Clinic) with no resolve. They all attributed her symptoms to the trauma of her childhood accident. She felt hopeless. In 2010, at the urging of her father and husband, she reluctantly made a trip to Houston to visit the Hotze Health & Wellness Center as a last resort. This experience changed her life.

After being told by countless doctors that conceiving a child was not possible, she gave birth to her first child in 2011.

She now has a thriving family and will be expecting baby #7 in April!

Join Dr. Hotze and his guest Kathryn Ritchie as they recapture her remarkable story of recovery and restoration and see what all the other doctors were missing in her diagnosis!

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