BROAD THINKING: Does Anyone Really Care About Elon Musk & Twitter?

1 year ago

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Does Anyone Really Care About Elon Musk and Twitter?
I don’t.
You would think his takeover of Twitter was the second coming of Jesus Christ - especially to the right wing. But who really cares?
Conservatives complain all the time that Twitter is unfair and filled with bots and that follower counts and comments and retweets are all filtered to fit the prevailing “woke” narrative. So, if it’s irrelevant because it's so trash and not as influential as the Twit overlords say, then why does it matter? Something so small can’t have that much of an effect. Besides, even if everyone is legit on Twitter, still who cares?
You send out brief, truncated sentences to let out insecurities. That’s all that platform is. People flexing their self loathing and smug, elitist personality disorder onto everyone else.
And why is everyone sitting around clapping their hands as Musk plans to “layoff” people. It’s sick. It’s some sort of us v. them mentality. The “King of the Right Wing Dorks” won and now he gets to be mean to the others. Yeah, the top guys, the big boys that were in charge that got kicked out - like the board and the executives - sure, they’re inconvenienced and embarrassed for getting their ass handed to them . But I’m not concerned about them. They're rich, so nothing will really affect them. They’ll get scooped up soon by another big tech firm.
I’m talking about all the other people. Why rejoice at the little man losing his job? Oh, and let’s not forget he’s planning on shit-canning a lot of them before Tuesday so he doesn’t have to pay out stock entitlements. That seems about right - a rushed layout of all the people who know what's going on just to save a buck.
Now, Musk did deny in a Tweet he was laying people off before November 1 to avoid granting stock, so who knows what’s ture. Did he really never plan on doing that or was the public backlash too much and he realized how bad it sounded? Who knows. We don’t have fair or accurate news media. There’s also reports from the Washington Post that Musk will be laying off about a quarter of Twitter staff. Does anyone know what’s going on? Probably not. But still, just because I don’t trust the news, doesn’t mean I’m going to implicitly trust a billionaire.
News flash for everyone. Musk isn’t as genius as everyone thinks.
He bought his way into Tesla. He didn’t conceive Tesla out of long hours and hard work. Martin Eberhand and Marc Tarpenning co-founded Tesla in 2003 and then Musk joined on as a first round investor in 2004. He kept investing and increasing his ownership over the course of 9 funding rounds. Eventually he pushed out the original co-founders. That’s right, what made him the man’s richest man was something he ripped away from the original brains. Sure, he carried it past the $1 trillion mark of valuation last year but that’s where it ends. He’s a ruthless businessman. Probably why he is so rich. But I just don’t buy that he is a genius.
He also took a dump on Doge coin while on SNL, causing it to tank. Why not screw over your fellow man, right? If they’re poor, then I must be richer.
He started Space X by finding a rocket engineer. He’s not a rocket scientist; he’s just using one.
Musk goes on and on about how he doesn’t care if someone goes to college and it's not necessary. He virtues signaling to all his bros in the podcast sphere. You know, college is bad, just because Musk says it. But really it’s just bad advice. There’s just one Elon Musk and everyone can’t be him. Kind of like how people say Bill Gates didn’t go to college. Yeah, but are you going to come up with that idea to become a billionaire. College is still the key to the middle class and higher wagers. Sure, college is screwed up right now and overpriced, but telling someone to not go is basically a lie. Most places still require college degrees. Don’t believe it, just go to Tesla’s website. Scroll through the jobs. He has jobs that require a college degrees. Sure some allow for experience in lieu of it, but it has to be equivalent experience and “evidence of exceptional ability”- whatever they determine that is. Sounds like a loophole for a nepotism baby or a daddy with some money to invest in the company. A lot of jobs prefer you to have an advanced education, like a Master's degree or law degree. Even jobs where you aren’t acting as a lawyer prefer that you have a law degree.
For example, I have a background in public policy. Looking at his Senior Policy Advisor role I would need a B.A. - check. An advanced degree is preferred. Check, I have a masters. But what would I need to do to skip all that? Well go back to that terminology, of “equivalent experience” or evidence of exceptional ability”. I want to know who defines exceptional ability? Musk's little caveat to say you don’t need a degree is as unrealistic as a standard as it can possibly be.
You don’t need a degree, but now you have to fit some mystical, mysterious, “are you enough” standard according to them. Go for it. Scroll down. Even with a degree, the job requires 8 years of direct experience with policy and business development. That’s a lot.
Let’s just stick with that. Let’s say that they’re requirement for not having a degree would be that they would accept that minimum 8 years they want you to have with a degree. Let’s just say they would do that. So you graduate. You’re 18 and you immediately get a job, somehow, in policy and business development. You would be 26 before you could suffice to work for Musk. And that’s assuming you could even get a job performing something of that level at 18. You see, when you say you don't need college but it’s still listed in your job descriptions, you value it. And when you act like you’ll consider people without college but set the threshold of even being able to get a job with minimum experience in your late 20s, you ain’t doing !@#$. That’s you saying you don’t have to have college if you go somewhere else, let them train you, let them apprentice you, and rub off the rough edges and make you more professional - then I don't mind coming in and scooping you up. See, it’s fitting that Elon Musk trend of I take from others and turn it into something else.
You see, nobody wants a fresh kid out of high school. Why doesn't Musk just take the hit and hire young people and finally prove college isn’t necessary? Ah that ‘s right, he doesn't want to risk leaving his baby, Tesla, with some punk kids who are under-educated? Kind of like you trust your kids with the babysitter but you don’t trust the babysitter with the keys to your car… sure not having a degree doesn't matter, when it’s not your company . It’s always fun hiring someone that some other company invested training into. It’s all part of his grift. Take from others and supercharge it to his benefit. And congratulations. It worked. He’s rich. Just don't tell me he’s a genius. Don’t tell me he is so clever or as some people like to think of him, a “thought leader.: He’s screwed over people before, and screwing over you is nothing to him. Don’t go to college and be at his mercy entirely. Ruthless businessmen love that. How many times have you known someone who got to certain point in their company and then they were told “you can’t go any higher without that piece of paper.”
Not convinced. He’s major !@#$. When he took over Twitter this weekend he announced a Twitter blue-check verification that people can buy for $20/month. That’s not the problem. You should probably pay for a service. But the engineers have one week to do this. If it’s not done by November 7, well, failure isn’t really an option. Reportedly, he’s just going to fire the team in charge if they don’t complete it.
That sounds like a lose-lose situation. How much do you bet that if they get it done, he will fire them anyway?
Good for Musk. Hope he destroys the fascist component of Twitter and makes space for free speech. Stil, though he is just a man,. Not a god like a lot of people on the right treat him. He took Tesla from someone else and received government subsidies for both Tesla and SpaceX. He isn’t a genius. Even at SpaceX, he got a rocket scientist and then founded the company. I bet that guy had a college degree.
He’s good at using people. So at the end of the day expect that. If he’ll use your enemies, he’ll use you too for his own good. The bro sphere is not exempt.
Let’s not forget, he has 9 kids with several different women. He has no allegiance or fidelity to anyone. And I will always question a man who cannot keep just one woman. What state of arrested development must a man be in to go in and out of marriages and relationships like that with kids involved? And why does he have to have so many children in broken homes? If he was a woman he would be a whore for having 9 kids with three women - trailer park trash. But hey, if you got a dick and some money it’s cool, I guess.
Conservative evangelical Christians who love this guy should really think twice about their praise. Maybe he’s your bro but you wouldn’t want him as your son in law.
Welcome to America, ruthless businessman, man whore, womanizer, part-time dad, the new hero of the west, and the Monarch of the right-wing Trumpers.

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