November 1, 2022

2 years ago

11/1 Daily Energy Oracle Reading! Union~ A Tantric Goddess sits within an ancient temple of worship. She is filled with the ecstasy of divine union, which permeates the room in a rainbow of hues radiating from her aura. All the colors of the chakras are represented. The goddess wears a pink lotus flower, symbolizing transcendence. The lotus thrives in muddy water, yet reaches beyond the murky depths for the light, emerging as a perfect bloom. Whether you seek spiritual union from within or a physical connection with another, the search to rise above the surface of illusion toward the light of divine understanding is a worthy goal.
We often seek the missing parts of ourselves in others, only to be met with disappointment. This craving can drive many to addiction, forever searching for the elusive ‘other’ in the realm of extremes. Through the relentless cycle of trial & error over lifetimes, we can learn to accept ourselves just as we are, and loosen our attachment to outcomes.
The appearance of this card plays a significant role and calls you to take comfort in the encompassing presence of union. The thoughts, values, and exchanges you seek offer vital clues about how you perceive and experience this basic need. Notice any areas of resistance where energy is blocked. Now may be a good time to address and release buried feelings or preconceptions with the transforming power of unions connecting frequencies. Union suggests the possibility of a new relationship, special friendship, creative project or meditation. The entwining of divine energy of union seeks authentic expression. The heavenly energy of this card could also signify the answer to a prayer.
Affirmation: “I release any attachments to outcomes and allow things to naturally evolve. I release buried feelings and remain open.” 💖🪷🌞🪷🍃 #union #lotusflower #northeasttarot

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