Convention of States Townhall THIS Thursday! Last for 2022. Please join us!

1 year ago

Convention of States Townhall 🇺🇸 THIS THURSDAY NOV 3rd @ 6pm at Scheels,
1200 Scheels Dr. Sparks NV. 😊

Are you concerned with the direction of your country? Come see us and find out about the solution.

You may ask yourself what can I do? That was the big question in my mind for a very long time.

For decades the government has been passing laws and spending money that have come back to haunt our country.

Yet, I stayed silent. Sure, I knew in my mind it was wrong. I would speak of it to a friend or a family member. One bad bill, one bad law, one bad decision after another. The corruption and the abuse of power is dangerously coming to its boiling point.

A couple of years ago I was sitting on my sofa watching the news. I was contemplating what was happening in our country. Why wasn’t anyone doing anything about this crisis of conscience?

I soon realized that if something were to be done it has to come from me. It has to come from you. We the People. I took it to heart. I came across Convention of States. I did my research. I never knew that Article V gave the citizens - through their state legislatures - the power to take their country back.

I wasn’t confident in my Constitutional knowledge and whether I could be an effective volunteer for Convention of States. I thought about it and realized that most people were feeling the same way.

I started reading up on the Constitution and Convention of States. I signed up to be a District Captain in early February of 2020. I remember making my first phone call to a petition signer. I was nervous. It didn’t take me long to start having hour long conversations with people. I enjoyed each and every phone call. I expanded my Constitutional acumen and my confidence.

In March 2020 I became the State Grassroots Coordinator. I worried: Can I be effective? I returned to my original answer: “If not me, who?” If not now, when?
As Maryland's Grassroots Coordinator, I have set a personal goal to develop 6 additional Regional Captains. Right now Maryland has 2 Regional Captains. What does this mean? We have multiple District Captains who will become Regional Captains. But in order to do this we need to build up our volunteer base to on-board and develop more District Captains.

I can assure you; you have what it takes to volunteer. We all do. I am here to tell you that everyone has something to offer. Everyone has a skill and a gift. Whether it be to help set up meetings, door greeters, letter writers, getting petitions signed, block walking, calling and writing legislators. We need those willing to spread the word. Everyone can make a difference!

One of my favorite quotes is from John Quincy Adams:
Duty is ours; results are God’s.

I love this quote because if God is speaking to you He will place the desire in your heart. He will give you the means and the ability to do what he has called upon you to do. He will place the right people into your life and He will provide.

Nothing is more unique than the art of being free. Today, American citizens have never been in greater peril of losing their freedom. The Founders gave us the roadmap. It is up to each and every one of us to follow their instructions. We need to secure the liberties that were given to us for future generations.
We the people are learning together and we are asking you to become a part of our grassroots army through Convention of States. Join our grassroots army and lend us your talents to form a greater state and country.

If not you, who? If not now, when?

Help us spread the message that our Founding Fathers provided us with the perfect tool to rectify a runaway federal government. In Article V of the Constitution, the power to call a Convention of States.

An Article V Convention of States is called and controlled by the states and has the power to propose constitutional amendments.

These amendments can do three things:
1. Limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government (including the
2. Limit the terms of office for federal officials
3. Limit the ability of Congress and the president to spend and waste our hard-
earned money

What can you do?👈👈👈

Sign the petition: 👈👈
Let your legislators know you want them to take action! 💪

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