New Testament Bible Authored by the Arius Calpurnius Piso, Pen Name "Flavius Josephus"

1 year ago

Video source: "Douglas Vogt"

Published in November 1979, The True Authorship of the New Testament is the first book in history that explains the true authorship of the New Testament. This historically important book was written by an author who was wondering why slick former Jews were getting into the evangelism business and fleecing Christians of their money, all in the name of Jesus. His 35 year research has uncovered the whole horrible truth, namely that Christianity was created by the Calpurnius Piso's of Rome. It is a fictional story used by the Piso's to take over Rome, which they eventually did after 136 c.e. They also forced the Jews to insert into their religious books many of Piso's own works to create prophecies for the coming of his fictional character, Jesus. If you are a priest, pastor or muslim, this book is a must read if you are to get a head in your respective organizations. All your top leadership know this information--why not you? For those Christians and Muslims that are worried about Satan, we will put your mind at ease. The name and the concept of Satan, the Devil, Lucifer etc. was created by Arius Calpurnius Piso. What's interesting is he also played the part in the story.

Find out how:

Also on this topic, read the books:
„Creating Christianity - A Weapon Of Ancient Rome“ by Henry Davis
„Creating Christ: How Roman Emperors Invented Christianity“ by James Valliant and Warren Fahy
Lynn Picknett, Clive Prince: The Templar Revelation. Secret Guardians of the True Identity of Christ
Lynn Picknett, Clive Prince: The Masks of Christ: Behind the Lies and Cover-ups About the Life of Jesus
Laura Knight-Jadczyk: From Paul to Mark. Paleochristianity

Johannitism was the great secret of the Templars. Johannites consider that John the Baptist was the ‘true Christ’ and the Jesus was a usurper of his role and authority. They are still represented today by a people known as the Mandaeans – the world’s only surviving gnostic religion – who were, until the Gulf War, largely confined to the southern marshes of Iraq and Iran. The Johannites are mentioned in brief passages of the New Testament, in arguments over who is the true Messiah between Jesus and John the Baptist. In Luke

– 23 John (who, we are told, has earlier met Jesus and fallen at his feet) sends a message to Jesus saying “Art thou he that should come or do we wait for another?” Shortly after this John is killed apparently to appease the whim of Salome. Some Johannites believe that Christ and/or his followers killed John and took over the church that he had created. This belief is called the Great Heresy.

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