COMIC TIMELAPSE __ Molotov(s) in '33 -- College Thesis | Page 27

1 year ago

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Total time: 30 hrs 09 min 58 sec

The fifth recording session of this page is the fifth longest at 5 hr 35 min 03 sec back Jan 31, 2022. This is why I failed Game Art, because had I realized sooner, I would have figured out a toon shader exists, find an online tutorial and have all models already appeared outline and save hours for this and literally every other page. I didn't think of this until back in June. This short film length video is even longer when having to edit milliseconds and occasionally seconds of pauses that lead to about 09 minutes taken off from the original hour and four minutes. This video took about 20 hours to edit, so good to know that every mistake made has not only been made, but done so numerous times over a span of months. The longer span of consecutive seconds of "pause" is 09 seconds and the two biggest factors that contributed to this ungodly length of time has to do with color testing. This is the fated 27th page mentioned back during pages 02 - 06 where there were multiple color iterations done, this page specifically for the night scenes. The weird jump of color was because I was in the comic class in my first semester, trying to figure out the night color scheme and it was on a cintiq without any means of recording before using my own laptop in class. I also had to re-work the page twice with outlining and fixing the style after however many revisions to turn around sheet.

My favorite part about this page is how an average person will see this art style or something simple like Adventure Time or especially the 1998 Powerpuff Girls and think it's easy to draw until they see the process that's a literal 30 hours and will never know unless a process is shown. Imagine spending hours on end on something to only be seen in a few seconds and judged as 7/10 on average, whether it's a page in a book, concept art, or even a photograph gallery that requires constant thought process of composition, color, and perspective.

Everything was drawn in Adobe Photoshop, edited in Adobe Premiere and 3D models made in Autocad Maya.

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