The Meaning of Life

1 year ago


By Dale Deloney


All of humanity are born into this world separated from a Just and Holy God. We are all selfish and rebellious by our nature and God is pure good and just and must punish evil. Our history of wars, rapes, lying and murder, our nightly news of crime and the way government and the media lie, children need to be trained to be good, we have to have locks on doors and have police for order and protection all this proves we are evil. The Bible says we are born with a sin nature and naturally we are hostile towards the true Holy God and under His judgement.

But out of His love, God the Father sent God the Son to enter into time and space as the human being Jesus. Jesus lived the perfect life we never could then He died to pay the price for our sins and rose from the dead.

God did this out of His love and mercy in order that we would be able to have a Father-child relationship with our Creator. We need only ask God to work in our life and give us the faith to trust Jesus as our Lord and Savior.

We know that something cannot come out of nothing, so that means that something always was, (eternal). The universe exists. There are only two explanations for the creation of the universe: either the universe is eternal or there is a Creator of the universe that is eternal. The scientific evidence shows us that the universe is winding down and it is not eternal. Also, the universe is loaded with a vast amount of design and information proving intelligence. The entire ecosystem of the world to sustain life, the earth being just the right distance from the Sun, having the right size Moon for tides, having an atmosphere bubble around us, having water, the miraculous complexities of life, and the vast amount of complex information in living creature's DNA. All this proves that there is an Intelligent Eternal Creator.

God gave us the ability to think. A Creator would communicate with His creatures otherwise we are left with just our opinions not knowing what is true or false, right or wrong.

The Bible claims to be God's communication to us. It is miraculously proved to be God's Word by 25,000 archaeological finds proving historical accuracy and supernaturally some 2000 beforehand prophecies that have come true. This by probability standards is absolute scientific proof that the Bible is from God and of course because only God can control all the world’s events to fulfill His prophecies.

Jesus alone fulfilled some 350 Old Testament prophecies. Some of these prophecies are: that the Son of God would be born of a virgin, (Isaiah 7:14); One from eternity would be born in Bethlehem, (Micah 5:2) there is only One from eternity and that is God and Jesus was born in Bethlehem; that the Son will be called Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace, (Isaiah 9:6) and will be Emmanuel which means God with us, (Isaiah 7:14; Matt 1:23); that they would have looked upon the One they pierced, (Zacharia 12-10); that He would be pierced in his hands and soldiers would gamble for his clothing with lots, (Psalms 22:16-18; Matthew 27:35-37); that He would die for the sins of his people like a lamb to the slaughter and that He would rise from the dead, (Isaiah 53).

Jesus was prophesied to be God in the flesh; Jesus claimed to be God In the flesh, Jesus did miracles that only God could do. Jesus calmed the storm with the word, healed people miraculously, walked on water, raise the dead, and raised Himself from the dead. His disciples and eyewitnesses claimed Jesus was God and went to their death claiming that He was raised from the dead and had seen Him.

Jesus said if you believe in Me you will have eternal life. In other words, if you trust your life to Jesus as your Lord, God will make you a new creation. Your sins will be forgiven and you will be changed from the inside out and be able to have fellowship with your Creator and a life that counts.

Jesus said deny yourself and follow Me, who loses his life will gain it and what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul.

My prayer is that you would ask God to show you the truth and give you the power to trust your life to Him.

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