Need to Know News (31 October 2022) with Joe Olson and Chris Weinert

1 year ago

Putin's Valdai Speech was important, as Joachim Hagopian has explained. He made 7 key points: 1) the West stokes conflicts to preserve its hegemony; 2) the West--especially the US--makes up rules for itself; 3) liberal democracy has transformed into a bizarre form of cancel culture; 4) that Russia does not seek domination (or a new form of hegemony); 5) that Western hegemony is ending; 6) the world is becoming multipolar; and 7) that the West is welcome to its "wokism", but Russia is having none of it. The apparent failure to win in Ukraine has moved the US/NATO to recruit Finland as its new base for first strike against Russia, expanding the flight time to Moscow from 5 minutes to 7 (on the theory that Russia could not respond in that brief period of time). Paul Pelosi, the Speaker's husband, has been involved in a bizarre event in their own home, which appears to be a lover's spat between two gays (or bi-sexuals), where his friend "David" was beating him up with a "Hammer", which appears to have been a 24 oz dildo they were using on each other. (This one is not going to go away and I'll have much more about it tomorrow.) PayPal has covertly reintroduced its fine of $2,500 for spreading what it considers to be misinformation or disinformation. The UK government is not looking into the damage done by the vax because if you don't look, you won't find it. The FBI is asking for 66 years to release the information they possess from the Seth Rich laptop, which in the past they have denied even having. The Fetterman debate case shows that early voting should be abandoned permanently because it leads to 'buyer's remorse" to discover you voted for a guy who could not serve as a dog catcher, much less a member of the US Senate.

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