If you are dealing with nausea, colds, menstrual cramps, try this medicinal syrup!

2 years ago

Medicinal Ginger Syrup Recipe:
—Peel and grate 1 large hand of ginger root in a pan
—Add honey until just barely covered
—Simmer over low heat for 15 mins.
—Strain and jar (or leave in the softened ginger)

Keep refrigerated! Use 1 TBSP as needed for nausea, colds, menstrual cramps, etc.

No Heat Directions:
Pour the honey in the jar until it is half full, add 4-5 tbsp dry ginger powdered ginger, then add the rest of the honey. Stir the honey well until the ginger is well incorporated. This honey can be used instantly or let extract for 4 weeks.

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