Warnings from a former New Age Priest that used to talk to demons - Halloween: You are in danger!

1 year ago

The pagan practices influenced the Christian festival of Halloween (Hallow-Eve), celebrated on the same date (October 31st), and elements of the Samhain festival were incorporated into it. Hallow-Eve (or All Hallows’ Eve) is the Christian festival of the night preceding All Saints’ (Hallows’) Day, celebrated on November 1st in the Western churches. In some parts of the world, the people continued to believe that on this night the dead walked among them, and that witches and warlocks flew in their midst. Thus, bonfires were lit to ward off those malevolent spirits.Therefore, most historians consider Samhain the predecessor of Halloween, which has preserved many of the practices and beliefs of its precursor: Samhain.

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