1 year ago


The people who were born and raised in Purva-ashadha are brave and driven individuals. They are able to formulate an approach to problem-solving and see it through to completion. Their intellect is above average, which gives them the ability to anticipate prospective challenges, opportunities, and other areas of concern, and to adapt their approach to any given activity in accordance with those predictions.

Those who are born in the month of purva-ashadha are known for their dignity, modesty, and honesty. They have the ability to inspire and motivate others, and they always give credit where credit is due. They set a high bar for themselves and others to follow, and as a result, they inspire others to perform at their very best. The regard and respect of their peers is due in large part to their upstanding conduct.

You are blessed with a quick wit and a wonderful sense of humor. You exude calm, happiness, and an upbeat outlook on life. Your resiliency as a person enables you to have a positive outlook on life even when confronted with challenging situations, and it positions you to take a leadership role in the community in which you live.


Natives of Purva-ashadha are not good at taking constructive criticism. They have a tendency to be prideful and may have difficulty being persuaded to consider the viewpoints or ideas of others. This may result in someone developing a superiority complex, in which they believe that they are naturally better than other people.

On the spiritual platform, however, despite the fact that you have many abilities and advantages that others do not, we are all basically equal spiritual beings, and we are all a part and parcel of the Supreme. It is impossible to live a life that is both meaningful and progressive without first cultivating the qualities of humility, compassion, and a real desire to help others.

People who were born under the star of Purva-ashadha may have a compulsive need to work and a tendency to overachieve. They have trouble letting go of things and feel the need to always strive for perfection, even if it will never be within their grasp. This may be quite annoying, and it can also lead to indecisiveness, where one is always questioning whether or not their efforts are genuinely worth the work they are putting in.

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