5 Easy Steps To Keto, Step 1, Transition Slowly

1 year ago

5 Easy steps to keto, transition slowly. Today we are going to chat about step one of five steps to transitioning onto the ketogenic diet. It is highly advisable to take these steps to transition onto the keto diet.

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Today we are going to chat about step one of five steps to transitioning onto the ketogenic diet.
It is highly advisable to take these steps to transition onto the keto diet.
I am going to explain why you should do this.
Hello Amelia what topic are we covering today?
We are going to discuss step one of the five steps of transitioning onto keto William.
Many people just rush into diets, all or nothing approach.
This often ends in those people failing and thrashing a diet before giving it a chance.
We are starting a new lifestyle here and our bodies need time to adjust to a new routine and with the ketogenic lifestyle a new primary source of fuel, ie fat.
A few people have a bit of trouble adjusting to this new fuel and go through withdrawals of sugar and carbs.
This is commonly and mistakenly called the Keto Flu, it is actually withdrawal from sugar and carb addiction.
There are no magic pills for weight loss.
We cannot just rush into a new diet and expect to lose weight, we need to let our bodies adjust.
The best thing to do is to eat healthy foods, keep our portions under control and exercise on a regular basis.
Carbohydrate-rich foods are the worst culprits, as they contain high amounts of toxins and are sugar.
Sugar is addictive.
If we continue to eat sugary food, it can not only make it hard to lose weight but cause weight gain.
Carbohydrate foods cause a rise in blood sugar levels.
High blood sugar levels in turn cause hunger and cravings for more sugar.
This can make us overeat and put on extra pounds, that’s why we have a yoyo effect with many diets.
It is very important to make sure that we have enough protein and fat in our diet.
Protein can fill us up and keep us feeling full longer than carbohydrates.
Fat provides lots of energy and makes us feel fuller than even protein does.
Obviously without over doing what and how often we eat.
Most of the fat we consume comes from animal products.
So step 1 is approach the keto diet sensibly and slowly.
Really good advice there Amelia.
So what comes next Amelia?
In our next chat I will cover part 2 of this discussion, the reduction or elimination of carbohydrates and refined sugar.
Thank you for watching.
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#keto #ketogenic #ketones #diet #nutrition #health

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