Little White Lies (Big Lies Matter)

1 year ago


According to the first Roman Catholic President, during a similar period of worldwide civil unrest, with freedom front movements springing up all around the world, "in the past, those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside", while the Bible suggests that those who stir trouble in their own house, inherit the wind, the title to a play and movie that has become a popular cause, after one John T. Scopes, a sports coach and part time science teacher responded to an advertisement by the ACLU, offering money to bring a case against teaching Creationism in public schools.

And, with just a week remaining in a critical midterm election the antifascists are calling for clamping down on political violence, a call about which they had been silent for over four years when it had been directed against the opposition, a modus operandi that even a recent NBER report is apparently shared by a novel coronavirus, whose origins officially remain unknown, but for which, according to a decision by the Supreme Court in March 2022, the government can neither confirm nor deny that it owns the novel coronavirus responsible for more fatalities worldwide than the Holocaust, and in half the time, a question on litigation hobbyist is poised to ask Dr. Fauci in direct examination during upcoming depositions.

Fortune, it is often said, favors the bold in battle, and according to John Kennedy, the Mandarin character for crisis is actually a marriage of two characters: danger and opportunity, two sides of the same coin.

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