Desire: Divine Design

1 year ago

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Desire drives and directs our life. God designed us as needy, helpless & relational creatures incapable of fulfilling ourselves. He made us with an emptiness that can only be filled by His presence. We experience these needs as desires: longings, cravings, passions, yearnings & appetites that issue out of our core self, driving us to satisfy them. Because we begin life separated from God, we attach our desires to the earthly, people and situations that we believe have the power to quiet and satisfy our longings. When we attach to temporal objects to meet eternal needs/desires, our thinking & behavior patterns become more and more corrupted. Our trends, either ascetic or lascivious steer us toward either a lifestyle of religious deprivation & discipline or bodily gratification & sexual fantasy. We end up with our desires attached to both “good & bad” life strategies.

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