Malpractice History Books - Medical Apartheid, Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, Atrocious Events

2 years ago

More of those outlier books that are out there. Medical Apartheid that also talks about the infamous Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment that many out there also try to make excuses for and gloss over. Remember it was done by the CDC and under the guise of free healthcare and all that idealistic mumbo jumbo. Sometimes various Internet and social media websites have those upsides and blessings in disguise and remember finding out about books like this via random hashtags and going beyond said hashtags along with following said hashtags that said posts appeared in my feed. Surely, of course there's so many more things that those elitist global snobs aren't telling us and doing everything they can to hide from the public but of course politicians and such in general will always do whatever they want because there will always be enough sheep, lemmings, real life NPCs and loyalist, blind, obedient, order following foot soldiers that will always stay in line, not question anything and proceed to make every lame excuse possible in attempting to justify atrocious events, double standards, do as I say, not as I do attitudes, hypocrisy, doublespeak and so much more that can be named off. California being a huge example, anyone knows Newsom has it in the bag and he's going to win easily. Really, the guy can load a catapult with a plethora of endangered animals, fling them into a burning skyscraper building that was doused in gasoline, lighter fluid and kerosene by some recently released, double convicted arsonist for said animals to burn to a very crispy death and the sheep minded, group think, conformist populace will proceed to make every lame excuse possible in attempts to rationalize and justify said event. All the stuff that has happened and whatnot, constant attacks on self defense freedom, bodily autonomy and whatnot and still every lame excuse possible from authoritarian craving lemmings in attempts to justify tyranny, coercion, forced injections, attempted forced injections and so much more that can be named off and all in the name of the so called collective greater good. Yeah, get out of here. If these aren't arguments for a national divorce and balkanization, I don't know what are. Especially with the experimental Covid shot which is still not a real vaccine being added to childhood shots when it doesn't even come close to things like polio, mmr, smallpox, diptheria and whatnot. Not even close to being the same thing. Then of course all the gaslighting from loyalists and conformists where they insist and try to insist that nobody was forced or coerced into anything and they insist it was all a choice and whatnot even though the NY Supreme Court ruled that the mandates were all about compliance which they indeed were. Politicians and other control freaks are just completely induced with megalomania and power that it just pains them that they're not able to control everybody to their preferences and whiny whims. Then that recent silly article from The Atlantic and the amnesty mumbo jumbo. Yeah, that's gonna be a no from me and it doesn't work like that. I know I won't be forgetting or forgiving this anytime soon and people today have good reason to be bitter and angry with all the complete bullshit that has happened. No reason to forgive or forget with these freaks that openly wished death on you for refusing experimental drugs and for not wanting to wear a face diaper along with celebrating you not being allowed in various palces among so much more that can be named off. The damage has been done and it will take endlessly forever to repair. No different than what classmates and company did to you in the K-12 years with toxic, unforgiving, tormenting, torturous environments. So much more could be said and added.

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National divorce, balkanization and secession wouldn't be such a bad thing for various reasons:

Disclaimer: As said before, merely a bunch of ramblings, opinions, rants and the like from a random bitter soul out there. I may be eligible to earn from the following recommendations.

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