Port Washington food pantry narrowly getting by as number of donations plunge

1 year ago

hil Groothousen has been volunteering at the Port Washington Food Pantry for the past 20 years. Over those two decades, he says he's never seen the pantry's food supply so low. "It's disheartening to see," said Groothousen, president of the food pantry. Pantry director Pat Kozak says over the past five months, she's seen a significant decrease in the number of donations coming in. Normally the pantry would have two to three months' worth of food stocked on its shelves. Now, they have about two to three weeks' worth. READ: https://www.tmj4.com/news/local-news/its-disheartening-to-see-port-washington-food-pantry-narrowly-getting-by-as-number-of-donations-plunge

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