Serious Election Voting problems in Florida

1 year ago

Kris is a member of the Lake County, FL Election Integrity & Security Committee.

"His shocking revelations of fraud will anger you like the 400 registered voters in a 50 bed nursing home, or how ERIC (Electronic Registration Information System) functions more like an intelligence gathering system, or the fact that the DMV, who registers about 80% of voters, does not even ask for proof of citizenship."

A grassroots group presented evidence to Florida election officials and law enforcement last week showing that almost 1,100 mail-in ballots in one county were cast from undeliverable addresses in the state’s Aug. 23 primary election.

Florida First Freedom Alliance gave state election officials a spreadsheet containing the results of a computer crosscheck conducted by another grassroots group. That audit represents “only a small sliver” of those who requested mail-in ballots in Florida’s Orange County, according to Christopher Gleason, the group’s spokesman.

The data allegedly show that almost 1,100 vote-by-mail ballots were sent to and cast from undeliverable addresses.

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