GGBD-Girls Go Books Deep

2 years ago

Janae & Amanda are 2 childhood besties who ❤️ to 🗣️ about Fantasy/SciFi TV-shows & Movies based on books or comics.

Our podcast is hosted on Anchor, and can be found anywhere you enjoy listening to music & pods: Girls Go Books Deep

(We are currently restructuring how we create & prioritize our content, because of this, the podcast episodes have been paused but we've been going live on YT - this project is exciting but still very new to us and we both have full ass lives apart from GGBD. We greatly appreciate your patience.)

All of our social media @ are the exact same across the board @girlsgobooksdeep... except Twitter. 🤦🏻‍♀️ it's @gg_booksdeep

We're currently trying to get our TikTok to 1000 followers so that we can go live on that platform as well - extra big Thank You if you have us a follow ❤️❤️❤️

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