Kanye West adidas split - Can Ye’s Multi Billion Empire Survive? Fans Are Burning Their Yeezys

1 year ago

Kanye West Adidas split – Can Ye’s Multi-Billion Empire Survive? Kanye West Fans Are Burning Their Yeezys. In recent weeks, Kanye West, now officially known by his stage name Ye, has had his actions and words draw a barrage of criticism, for the genius and artistic creator. And although the artist has very recently apologized, the effects of numerous, blatant anti-Semitic attacks over the past few weeks have torn apart his empire and damaged his reputation with businesses and celebrities. Adidas, the most significant partner in his fashion empire, only stated that its relationship with the rapper and designer was "under review" for more than two weeks as the musician and fashion designer made several anti-Semitic statements and embraced a slogan associated with white supremacists.
As Kanye West's offensive actions persisted and criticism of his remarks spread, his vast multibillion-dollar company suffered and was severed from its most prominent supporter, sportswear giant Adidas, on Tuesday. In response to growing public outrage, the German company, the last significant West business associate to remain silent for several weeks, announced it would quickly "end production of Yeezy branded products”.

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