You will be transformed (The new cloth and the old garment Mark 2:21-22, Matthew 9:16-17)

2 years ago

Jeremiah and Judah love the series of cartoons that revolves around the Transformer characters, these are a group of alien robots from Cybertron that can hide in plain site as they transform into everyday vehicles. When they want to be seen they take on their robot form and interact with those around them when they do not want to be seen they blend in by transforming to their vehicle form. They live double lives revealing their true nature only to those they choose to and hiding it from others. As we continue our study of this parable of Jesus that speaks of not trying to mix the old with the new, I cannot help but think that the modern church is full of transformers. It is true that we are supposed to be transformed into the likeness of Christ (Romans 12:2) but after that initial transformation we are not supposed to ever go back. We are not supposed to change our actions, attitudes, or countenance based upon whose presence we are in, we are supposed to always be living Christ like lives.
The mixing of the old and the new garment that ends with things getting worse and the new wine that burst the old wine bottles is Jesus’s way of telling us that we cannot keep going back and forth between this world and His kingdom. Once we become new creatures (2 Corinthians 5:17) we must forsake the old man and cling to the new by allowing the Holy Spirit to empower us to overcome. This means we cannot have one foot in the world and one in the church and live our lives according to whose presence we are in. The transformer Christian is not a Christian at all, they are simply a lukewarm (Revelation 3:16) church goer who will be smacked in the face with the truth on the day of judgement. This may seem harsh but know that it is written with love, the last thing anyone in this ministry wants if for you to stand before God and hear the words, “depart from me, I never knew you.” (Matthew 7:21-23) Be transformed into God’s eternal kingdom but do not live your life transforming back and forth, the spiritual cloth will rip, and the spiritual bottle will break.

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