The Challenge is HERE!!!!

2 years ago

It's not to late to join the almost 400 people across the globe in this challenge. Just email Brice at

Brice on @Aquarius Rising Africa Ⅱ

To Join the Telegram Support Group:

The First Two Days of the Challenge:

Tuesday November 1:
Day One:

~45 minute barre exercise. Follow the link below (Beginner Barre with Marnie Alton):


Questions to ask yourself:
If you did this first thing in the morning, how did it affect the rest of your day?
What was the experience of the barre class like?
Did you feel any emotions come up in the class? If so, what were they? Can you explore those emotions more privately?

~Turn off all electronics one hour before bed. Instead, read a book or write more in your journal.
~Go to bed before 10PM

Bonus Challenge:
-Drink 64oz of water today to help the detox from the exercise.
-If you’re a meat eater, can you try to go without meat today? Replacing it with veggies?
-Take a hot bath with salts before bed. Try to relax into the bath allowing the muscles to unwind.

Wednesday, November 2:
Day Two:

~Repeat the 45 minute barre exercise from Day One:


~ DAY TWO NEW CHALLENGE: During your morning shower, try to make the water cold for the last 5 minutes of your shower to help with inflammation and blood flow.

~Research information on “cold or cryotherapy.”
Link (From SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa, Brice and Chanti discuss what cold therapy is and what it does for the body and mind:


(Wim Hof Cold Shower Tutorial for Beginners):

Questions to ask yourself:
Were you sore today? If so, how did the soreness affect your workout? What emotions did the soreness invoke in you today?
Did new emotions pop up today, different from yesterday? If so, what were they?
How did going to bed before 10PM affect your sleep and your day two of the challenge?
What was the 5 minute cold shower like? Were you able to breathe through it? Is cold therapy new for you? During the course of this challenge notice how your body starts to respond to the cold shower (Does inflammation go down for you? Do you have more energy during the day? How does the cold shower affect your mood?)
List 5 things that you like about yourself.

~Turn off all electronics one hour before bed. Instead, read a book or write more in your journal.
~Go to bed before 10PM

Bonus Challenge:
-Drink 64oz of water today to help the detox from the exercise.
-If you’re a meat eater, can you try to go without meat today? Replacing it with veggies?
-Take a hot bath with salts before bed. Try to relax into the bath allowing the muscles to unwind.

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