The Healthiest Diet is Mostly Vegetarian: The Flexitarian Diet by DJ Blatner😋🥦

1 year ago

The Healthiest Diet is Mostly Vegetarian: The Flexitarian Diet by DJ Blatner😋🥦
What do you get if you cross flexibility with vegetarianism? Here is an interview with the author and creator of the Flexitarian Diet DJ Blatner.
You may easily reduce weight and improve your health by avoiding meat the majority of the time. The Flexitarian Diet aims to achieve that.

According to author and dietician Dawn Jackson Blatner, eating mostly plant-based foods is a wise strategy to reduce your calorie intake. But she is aware that not everyone is prepared to go vegetarian completely. Flexitarians, often known as "flexible vegetarians," consume a lot less meat than they once did but do not totally give it up.
It can aid in weight loss, but how much you eat still matters.
The addition of more plant-based items to your diet can improve your health in numerous ways, even if becoming a vegetarian does not ensure weight loss.
For more information on how to take baby steps on your journey to losing weight please review the book The Flexitarian Diet: The Mostly Vegetarian Way to Lose Weight, Be Healthier, Prevent Disease, and Add Years to Your Life

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This is a creative Commons video created by Neily on Nutrition

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