How to Spot a Stock/Crpto Pumper

1 year ago

The trading and investing world can be a dangerous place when you don’t know what to be on guard against. Every direction you look there are temptations and illusions being thrown towards your trade and investment ideas. When I was a beginner and just get started in the stock market, it was the “stock pumper” (which has now transformed into the “crypto pumper” too) that lead me astray down some silly and money losing rabbit trails. What is a stock/crpto pumper? Or even more importantly, “how” do you spot one of these pumpers? This is what I’ll show you in the video. I’ll be using a real life interaction where I come across someone who is clearly a pumper. As a beginner though, I fully understand your confidence level may be very shaky in regards to “is this someone I should listen to?”. On that note, I want to share with you a single question that is extremely powerful in helping you deal with this. However they response, you will have a couple different choices in regards to the path you follow, but both will be clear and concise. The stock and crypto markets are filled with pumpers, so let’s be sure you can location them and call them out if need be.

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