50 Scientific Facts for the Downfall of Modern Astronomy

2 years ago

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Please Note: Ebenezer Breach was a literalist Christian and makes a few points in this booklet which are clearly not scientific, and potentially not even facts. He also made his own astronomical measurements and had his own figures for the diameter and distance of the Sun, Moon and stars which differed from other 19th century flat Earthers, who themselves didn't have a consensus, other than to always be working with tens, hundreds and thousands, rather than the heliocentrist's millions, billions and trillions. Ebenezer Breach's 1896 booklet "50 Scientific Facts for the Downfall of Modern Astronomy." You can download the free PDF here: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVZuQ21BUjR1YnhhT3J3dktuSHl5TnZMZGJpUXxBQ3Jtc0tsNmVVQ3BqOWZZcmlQWmlxd283ZU10SDJ5V05PVXRxMzB0aGttRHNBWWxDTnFxNkwxNGN4ZFYteFlNaGdCeVF1c1h1QVhZWk51YkVmbEVKZktDdmNvT0tkU2pvQjdDajkyTVdGUlBnU2VYVkRsMVZyVQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dropbox.com%2Fs%2Fhaj0ft8pllkitsy%2Febenezer_breach-the_downfall_of_modern_astronomy.pdf%3Fdl%3D0&v=vk8hwjceGLo

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