Buying Local Saratoga - Episode 13: Mariah Fortune (Bowled)

1 year ago

In this episode, our host Steve Cully - the greatest podcast host in the (known) universe - interviews Mariah Fortune; Bowled Co. partner, trade show organizer and lacrosse coach extraordinaire! They discuss Steve's most controversial word "culture", the ups and downs of competitive atmospheres, and more in this stellar episode!


NOTE: The opinions reflected in this podcast are not indicative of the views of Saratoga Business Report, LLC, Saratoga TODAY, Glens Falls TODAY, or Spa City Digital.

00:07 - Introduction: Steve’s Got a(nother) Fan!

00:47 - The Great Culture Throwaround: It’s Not a Cheap Word!

02:46 - Where Do Staffing Issues Come From?.. Work-Life Balance!

05:12 - True Wealth is Not Money… It’s Having the Freedom to Do What You Need and Want To!

06:34 - The Entrepreneurial Spirit: Nature or Nurture?

09:15 - Where Did Mariah’s Success at ABC (and Beyond) Come From?

09:56 - Ad Break: Visit the Saratoga History Museum!

11:04 - How the Digital World Changed the Marketing Game

13:13 - Why “Bowled”?

15:06 - Opening a Business One Month Before COVID Hit… How Did Bowled Still Succeed?

16:17 - Overcoming Fear: Keep Your Foot on the Gas Pedal!

17:47 - Mariah’s Athletic Background… Doesn’t Exist?! Picking Up Coaching “Best Thing She’s Ever Done!”

20:21 - Cult-ure: The Sports Family Feeling

21:23 - Coaching Can Be Tough: Both Steve and Mariah Know!

22:36 - Sports: Get Into Them For the Right Reasons, and Learn How to Accept Losses!

25:13 - The Competitive Atmosphere: Lovely for Some, Toxic for Others!

27:16 - Franchise Coaching: Beginning at Bowled Now!

28:20 - Expos and Trade Shows: “The Bro Show” is Coming November 12th and 13th!

30:16 - It’s Not Always Easy to Sit Still!

30:53 - Mariah’s Next Venture…

32:23 - Operation At-Ease: Rescuing Dogs and Training Them to Be Service Dogs!

33:23 - Honoring our Veterans’ Sacrifices and Giving Back

36:07 - Steve’s Romantic Life… Take Her to The Bro Show!

36:38 - Closing Remarks

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