What They Are Not. Telling You About The Lakers

1 year ago

he Dark truth about the Lakers that the media is not telling you. The Los Angeles Lakers started the new season with a record of 0-5, miraculously they were able to win against the Denver Nuggets Last night which moved them to 1-5. But I think that was a flook and a one-off win. in fact, I think the lakers are going to lose their next game because those are the lakers I've come to know. they are inconsistent. and so we need to talk about the issue that plagues the lakers, the truth the NBA media is not talking about and that is the fact its not Russell Westbrook, It isn't him solely, yes Westbrook is as bad of a player as one can get, he never learned to play team basketball, he never honed his skills such as shooting or play-making abilities. and he often times more concerned with his own individual stats than the team's success, he chases triple-doubles. But the truth is the Lakers just have an overall terrible roster, I mean their Best Player is a 37-year-old Lebron James, were this any other player, this season would be their last year or next year would be the last season for them. And the Lakers' second-best player is Anthony Davis who is never there due to injuries. and so that goes to highlight just how bad the lakers' roster really is. The truth is that if the Lakers were serious about making a run for the titles they should've gotten rid of both Russell Westbrook and Anthony Davis because let's face it what do these two guys have to offer the Lakers at this point in their careers? Anthony Davis peaked in New Orleans and Anthony Davis is never coming back ever again. Years of constant injuries have helped age Anthony Davis like milk. and Russell Westbrook just brings turnovers and an inability to shoot. but the problem is this. last season Anthony Davis had some perceived trade value, but after he's helped the Lakers start 0-5 who in their right mind is going to trade for him now? nobody that's who. And a part of me wants to blame Lebron James and say he deserves better, but the truth is that he helped create this mess the Lakers are in right now, He is the one that gutted the Lakers' young core of promising players in order to land Anthony Davis in the 2018 blockbuster trade. It was supposedly Lebron James who insisted that The lakers Trade for Russell Westbrook in the 2021 NBA offseason when Demar Derozan was available and willing to sign with the Lakers. Lebron has a lot of blame when it comes to this Lakers mess.
ESPN First Take

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