#001 - Trash TV (with Lucy and Jorgos) BUCHI PODCAST English

2 years ago

#nakedattraction #loveisland #toohottohandle
In this Podcast we discuss about various TV-Shows categorized as #trashtv mostly from UK-Scene like #nakedattraction #loveisland #toohottohandle .
This is only the first episode in English so stay tuned.

Disclaimer: All the things said are meant to be casual shittalking and do not aim in any way to offend specific people, be that racial, sexual or other groups of people. We believe in equality so much we talk shit about anyone who comes up in the conversation, starting from ourselves.

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Podcastin dhe Monologjet i gjeni ne çdo lloj platforme që ofron këtë shërbim

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#90dayfiance #90dayfiancememes #tlc #90dayfiancewhatnow #beforethe90days #memes #90dayfiancetellall #90dayfiancetheotherway #uominiedonne #tlcnetwork #realitytrash #loveoverseas #barbaradurso #90dayfiancebeforethe90days #realitytv #90dayfiancepillowtalk #90dayfiancehappilyeverafter #realitytvshows #dumpsterfire #meme #avantiunaltro #paolacaruso #pomeriggio5 #canale5 #realitytvmemes #gfvip #bonas #noneladurso #livenoneladurso #televisione

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