Tiger Cubs playing

1 year ago

3 tiger cubs playing inside their cage. These tigers look like giant domestic cats. Want to hug them but they are not domesticated to do so.

You may be sure that many will tell you that large cats will consider you "family" if you nurture them from the time they are young, as if your skills as an excellent tiger whisperer would confer on you the status of an honorary tiger. Relax, since at that point you won't have to worry about any potential threats.

These individuals will, without a doubt, assert that there is a stated "proper technique" to carry out all of things in order to completely secure your tigers devotion. They believe that as a direct consequence of this, you will never, ever be in any kind of danger from your cat. If you put in the effort, both you and your tiger will succeed in the long run. You may call it an uninformed whim. It should go without saying that!!

Do the folks making these allegations have any tigers of their own, so that we can verify what they say? Have they grown up and spent their lives with these large cats, becoming invulnerable to injury as a result of their mystical ties with them? It seems to me that...probably not.

It's all due to a lack of common sense. Foolish individuals make stupid errors. And tigers suffer each and every day as a direct result of this.

The idea that it would be entertaining to have tigers in one's garden is not only ridiculous but also very risky. Every year, a great number of tigers and people perish as a result of the inability of certain individuals to comprehend that it is really not feasible to do so.

When it comes to large cats, ignorance irritates me to the point of nerve pain. This problem has shown itself to me in a variety of guises both on Quora and in real life. My intention is to educate others, but I will defend my position if necessary.

The extinction of the tiger was brought on by people's false beliefs about them. I've been standing here on my soapbox for a while now. Despite this, there is an abundance of viewpoints from people who lack expertise, which is why I keep repeating myself.

Even if I don't know all there is to know about tigers, I am always honest when I speak about my own. As a reaction to this, I've been told that I don't have enough talent or that I didn't nurture my tigers "properly" since I couldn't put my faith in them.

In a nutshell, I've been told that I must have been the source of the issue.

Is that the case?

Because I have a strong suspicion that I was not.

One of the guys wouldn't let up at all. He claimed that if you respect him in the same way that he respects you, a tiger (or lion) would "respect and accept" you as a lifetime buddy. Simply doing so is sufficient. Simple Respect.

Really? Are you really sure about that?

When you trip over your shoelaces, you probably won't have to worry about being attacked by members of your family. A tiger is not that forgiving.

It is impossible for him to go against his natural inclinations, and you will not be able to "teach" him to behave otherwise. Please refrain from claiming that you are able to.

In addition to that, I am unable to encourage you to investigate the matter on your own. This is not going to end well for any of you, especially not for the tiger. In addition, I feel confident in saying that this is the case.

Listen. Tigers are able to identify members of their own species. They are familiar with their own "family." And, what do you think? The human race does not belong to any of these groups.

I've made it my mission to persuade other people how irresponsible it is to cling to these delusional ways of thinking. I have always thought that more people should see for themselves how different a wild animal's behavior is from that of a pet they keep at home. They have to be made aware of the fact that domestication requires "loving care" over the course of more than one generation. You're not going to go very far by mistreating your Big Cat.

My own cats were provided with the finest amenities, including expansive cages, swimming pools, and toys. I showered them with attention and spoiled them with delicious gifts. Daily.

However, this was not enough to prevent them from acting aggressively whether they were provoked, in a poor mood, or for any other reason. On occasion, I would be hurt by my tigers, but I always anticipated it to be the case.

Why? The behavior you describe is typical of wild animals. Living day to day with someone teaches you valuable lessons like this one. It develops into an aspect of tigers that you are required to comprehend.

That concludes what I had to say in response to the first query. However, I am going to continue my tirade for a little while more, and I hope that some of you will be patient with me.

I believe that I know where most people get their knowledge regarding large cats, and I believe that this is a contributing factor in the reason why they have such erroneous ideas about these animals.

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