Blessed Samhain and Happy Hollows Eve!

1 year ago

Join us while we attempt to get some spirit communication using a spirit box and other tools.

@ 19 minutes K2 lights up (we were unaware until watching afterwards) EMF reader starts making noise
@42 minutes we hear vibration, no idea where it come from.
@43:39 minutes "tink, tink" sounds like a glass being tapped with something like a butterknife
@44:57 "Don't be"
I ask "Don't be what?" No answer received
@46:18 minutes a green floating light
@49:11 anyone here who would like to communicate with us? "Yes"
I ask what is your name "Michael"
Can you say your name again?
I'm so sorry can you tell me your name again? "No!"
Did you say your name was Michael "NO"
@51:13 Do you have a message for us "No"
Do you have a message for us? K2 went to yellow

@52:35 is there anyone here who would like to talk to us? "yes". My response "Welcome!" What is your name? No response.
Are you female? No response
@ 54: 35 Is there anyone here who would like to speak with us? "Yes"
@54:45 Are there two spirits here? "yes"
I asked because I heard a female voice and a male voice.
@ 55:22 It sounded like "7"
How many spirits are with us right now? No response.
@56:09 Should we try a different area of the house?
@56:41 Jim says "maybe we should switch to FM". Response was "yes"
@57:15 spirit response female voice "are you Ok?" Male voice "understand me" ? different male voice "the master"
@57:51 spirit response in a creepy male voice "They!"
@57:55 spirit response "don't do it."
Heard laughing
@58:01 spirit response male voice "my god"
Female voice can't really make it out but could me "Poseidon" or Miss Ivy, or I'm sorry
or "come inside em"
58:08 spirit response "Jim"
58:38 Jim was talking about the light in yellow, I said it doesn't go yellow then female spirit said "I can"
I ask I can what? No response? Not sure?
@58:37 spirit response male voice "I gotta message" female voice "I did it" My response "you did do it, you did great! I can hear you. Keep talking to me please?" Male voice "what's up" female voice that I can't make out.
@ 1:00: 25 Can you tell me your name? No respone? Female voice can't make it out. "I'm fine" ? "Male voice "Mark". Is your name Mark? "it is"
@1:01:24 I ask, Marvin? Response "Sue"
@1:01:41 Do you need help? Response male voice "asshole" and "I am" or "I'm in" ? Not sure
@1:02:04 we here the vibration again.

1:02:19 Do you need help? Male voice "I'm good" or "all good" or "on route" or "In group" not sure?
@1:02:48 spirit response "selection" and then "Sandusky" LMAO where the hell did I get Gandalf out of that? And after listening I don't hear anything I thought I heard lol
@1:03:30 spirit response "bedroom" not sure?
@1:04:00 spirit response "stand up"
@1:04:50 Pasty would like to know if you are famous? No response
@1:05:16 Thought I heard something...I thought I heard it say "Trump"
@1:05:34 Can you repeat that? Response "No."
@1:06:20 Spirit response "hey man"
@1:06:29 Spirit response "for a week"
@1:06:53 Spirit response "walking"
@1:07:15 Spirit response "Russian"
@1:07:42 Spirit response but not sure what I heard
@1:07:47 Spirit response "play ball" then "greetings" or "play with me"
1:08:15 Do you need help? Spirit response "say yes, say yes" the green Y lit up and the K2 went all in the orange/red at the same time!!!
@1:08:45 Do you need help? Spirit response "help me"
@1:09:46 Are you stuck here? Spirit response "guilty"
@1:10:20 Have you been to the park at the back of my house? Spirit response "please stay" or "Tuesday"
@1:10:50 If you are stuck here it's ok you can go to the light. Spirit response "fucking money" or "fucking monkey"
@1:11:25 How old were you when you died? Spirit response "tonight" or "the light"
Then we hear "it's gonna be Facebook"
@1:12:05 Spirit response "somebody doesn't"
@1:12:38 Are you still here? Spirit response "tonight" and "of course" and "that's the truth"
@1:13:18 Spirit response "Ronda!"
It's ok for you to cross over. No response
Are you going to talk to me? Spirit response in multiple voices "thinking about it"
@1:15:03 Spirit response female voice "I need help"
@1:15:24 Spirit response "fifteen" then "fire" (Nicole messaged me about microwave catching fire and her oven)
@1:16:12 Spirit response female voice "my friend"
@1:16:25 Spirit response "satan" and something we can't make out and then "home"
Is this your home or was this your home? Was this your home? Spirit response "800" and "15" and "moments"
1:17:15 Did you die on this property? Spirit response "did not" and "have a look" or "bad luck"
Do you know the lady in white? No response
1:18:15 Spirit response "one of the first" then I ask one of the first what? "Men" and then "play ball" I thought I heard "witch" and something like "I am 90" we also noticed a haze going across the ceiling, you may have to back up a bit to see it. Then we hear a young voice not sure what it says and then we hear "your turn"
@1:19:39 would you like us to walk through the house? Spirit response "yep"
@1:20:17 Spirit response "bootcamp"
@1:20:49 candle moves a lot!
@1:21:20 Spirit response "might catch me if you can"
@1:22:28 Are you standing next to my husband? K2 goes crazy! Spirit response "incredible" Oh he likes you.
@1:23:00 K2 goes crazy and I hear "feels so well" but not sure. Do you like Jim? K2 goes crazy! I ask are you standing right here? EMF squealed! Then both the K2 and EMF go crazy!
@1:26:46 Do you push me down the stairs? Spirit response "a little bit" EMF and K2 go to the red!
@1:28:25 Do you need help? Spirit response "difficult" and then things get weird! Jim goes after one spirit I'm trying to go after a different one I think!
@1:31:12 I get the shit scared out of me!! Must watch to find out what it was! And Jim thinks he see's something or someone cross the doorway in the hall or he in the other room. Then we hear "go to the right" then we hear "hi" in an evil voice! I ask can you communicate with us through the spirit box then we hear "yeah-a" I say let's listen to the spirit box for a minute then I say Oh he has my Proud Pagan American shirt on. Spirit response was "I want one" Jim says it say's "I want a gun" lol then Jim hears "I know it" then I hear "I'm married" Jim says "hang men" we hear "that's what he says" we hear "let me tell ya" I thought he sounded mexican lol
@1:34:17 I ask I've always felt there is something hidden on this property or in this house. Spirit response "nothing". I think that is a lie. Then we hear "wait"
@1:35:28 We hear "do it now" I repeat it, do it now? Spirit response "ghost" Do what now? Can't make out the response.
@1:37:56 I'm at the middle of the stairs which is where I start failing when this spirit likes to make me fall. Remember I told you at the beginning that I have fallen 4 times in less than 7 years. Spirit response "here we go" and "can't see me" I ask can you make yourself visible and then watch the light in the video! It could have been the finger buddy, I think part of it was but did you see the "flash" and then it zipped by? At this point things just flow and it's too much to stop and play and post time frame. I have a talk with the spirit that likes to make me fall down the stairs and I ask that it stop. Then I give reassurance that I am not going to hurt them and that I will take good care of the house. We talk about the ceiling and no electrical wires, that ceiling is the floor of the storage room where we know for sure it is haunted. We go to say goodbye and my dog senses something but she gets distracted by wanting to go out.
@1:47:33 I say and I wanna say and then a spirit mocks me!

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