Where's Alesha-Chicago (BEFORE COVID)

1 year ago


I'm Alesha. Some people know me as Silky Slick. I usually upload smaller clips of my travels on my main channel. But this is a travel channel I started, so you can watch one "edited" video of each trip instead of 20 clips.


2021 description:

Due to Covid-19, I have not been traveling much. I'll post more when I travel more.

This Chicago trip is before the Covid 19 days. Remember the days without masks?!?!?!

Some of the best memories of Chicago are the the ones I didn't catch on tape. I got to admit I want to get more of Chicago on video, I visited so many times where I didn't film anything. I took more pictures than video. The next time I go, I will film more. It's probably best that I didn't catch some of the bar crawl ridiculousness on tape.

Favorite Chicago Things.

The night life is amazing. Too many bar crawl memories to count.
Spending New Years In Chicago Is A MUST. I did one year as last minute decision and it was one of the best last minute decisions I made.

Navy Pier.
Garrett's Pop Corn. Team Cheese and Carmel mix.

HOUSE OF BLUES CHICAGO. I love the burgers and booze.

I consider Chicago a second home because my family lived there before moving to Indy in the 1950's (something like that) and I visited Chicago a lot while in school. It was a great escape. And still is.
Rainforest Cafe (I still got my cup)

The Pizza Places. Lawdz I can't even start.

I visited the National Museum Of Mexican Art in Chicago.

It was one of the first times I tried banana and strawberry milk. To this day, it's very hard for me to find.
Fun fact: Chicago is still a second home because I audition there as much as possible.

Around the 1.29 marker, current 2022 and beyond Alesha wanted to clear up some things.

#1 I don't actually have 100,000 fans across my current social media at this time. I did have it on Myspace, Headliner and through Facebook stats. Who knows what the Law of Attraction has planned. If I put positive vibes out to the universe it will come back to me (and in hindsight IT HAS). By making this video, I was in a sense projecting what I wanted.

#2. You don't have to be famous to earn a living off your music. People intertwine fame and success a lot, like you have to have fame to be successful. This is not true.

I earn a living off my music and I can live my life in piece. The older I get, the less interested I am in fame. I audition in LA and NYC and I'm good homie.

Read These Articles I wrote for more details!

“You Don’t Have To Be Popular Or Famous To Be Successful. I’m Neither” by Alesha Peterson https://link.medium.com/WcqQ2uHi05

“Why I left Indianapolis’s music scene.” by Alesha Peterson https://link.medium.com/XzCIaMsm05

“Why Most Of Your Friends & Family Don’t Support Your Music!” by Alesha Peterson https://link.medium.com/ZLzrOCum05

#3 Some of the people I gave shout outs in this video, we no longer talk and in 2020 hindsight we wasn't friends in the first place. Tip: Some friendships only last for a season. If you're in school reading this, take all the videos, photos you can, because even if the friendships don't last the memories do!

#4 I rather have 100,000 on my email list than on social media. Having large social media presence is great, don't get me wrong. But if something happens to that social media you're out of luck. By having emails, you own it and will still have a way to get in touch with your people even when social media is not in the picture. Look at what happened to Vine and Myspace stars.

Video Intro By: Shiyaz

Thanks for watching.

P.S. It's October 31st, 2022 when posting this on here. Happy Halloween! Since Covid restrictions have been a lot more relaxed, I definitely plan on traveling more in the future.

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