This Is Where My Life Is… Arguing With Some Guy About Avocado!

1 year ago

Yeah, I know… First World problem! I went to Subway the other day and ordered myself a Veggie Delite with Avo. What would you think comes with a Veggie Delite with Avo? Avocado, right? Well, when the guy behind the counter asked me what salads I wanted, I told him, “All of them, please”. He proceeded to add all the salads as requested, but then I realised he hadn’t yet put on the avocado. I asked him, “This comes with avocado, right?”. He replied, “Ugh, you should have told me before! I can’t put it on now because all the other salads are already on there!”. I replied, “I ordered a Veggie Delite with Avo, I presumed it came with Avocado?”. And then he said, “You have to tell me!”. I said, “Sorry mate, I’m new to all this mate. I didn’t know what I had to do”. He continued, “Do you still want the avocado, or not?”. I said, “Yes please, as I’m paying for it”. He then proceeded to get all pissed off with me, grabbed the empty avocado container, stormed out the back, came back with a new one, took off some of the salad he had already put on the bread, roughly spread on some avocado, and basically, treated me very rudely. He didn’t talk to me again until I had to pay at the counter. I said, “Mate, can I speak to your manager?”, and then he said, “I am the manager”, and then I told him, “The sign up there says Veggie Delite with Avo. Perhaps you should assume people want avocado instead of assuming that they don’t, and certainly, you shouldn’t get angry with them because they didn’t know when to tell you”. He stormed off and served the next customer. I thought to myself, “What the hell just happened there?”. I mean, I’m the customer. I didn’t do anything particularly wrong as far as I could tell. Instead of him blaming me and getting angry, no matter if I made a mistake or not, he should have just put the damn avocado on with a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eyes. “No worries, Sir!”. But instead, he treated me like a fool and got pissed off with me because I didn’t do it how he wanted. Actually, after living in Japan, that’s one thing I noticed about coming back to Australia. Customers aren’t often treated very well, or more so, customer service workers aren’t very good at treating customers well. In Japan, as a customer, generally speaking you were treated like a God. Even if they didn’t really mean it, they at least pretended to be nice to you. But here I am in a crummy food court arguing with some guy when I should have told him that I wanted avocado on my avocado sub. Unsurprisingly, I won’t be going back, at least not to that Subway. I don’t know, did I go too far? Was I too harsh? Should I have just not said anything and let it be? Sometimes I think these little arguments just aren’t worth getting into. What do you think?

Melancholia by Godmode

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