‘It’s a Fraud’: Dr. Harvey Risch Reveals the Biggest Lie About COVID-19

1 year ago

This “led to hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths.”

“As we look back over the last 29 months … what has been the biggest lie?” asked Blaze talk show host Steve Deace. “Oh, that’s a difficult question because there’s so many,” responded Dr. Harvey Risch, “To me, the biggest lie is the FDA webpage on hydroxychloroquine.”

Why was the suppression of HCQ so detrimental?

Because "This was the crux of the whole pandemic in the first place."

“Had this medication been used at the outset of this pandemic, it would have saved hundreds of thousands of lives that were needlessly lost."

Dr. Harvey Risch is an esteemed MD and PhD, serving as the Chief Epidemiologist for The Wellness Company, a new healthcare establishment running parallel to the current system.



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