Running for Weight Loss (4 Insights)

1 year ago

Running for Weight Loss
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In this video we are going to look at a few interesting subject around running and weight loss. Running (in moderation) can have some amazing benefits, for your fitness, your heart and even your mood. Done right, anybody can benefit from some running.

We will look at the following subject:
1. Runners vs Potheads - runner's high is often described the same way as any high, and it turns out it's all about the ECS system.

2. Train but don't strain - the importance of utilizing wide range of movements to avoid a repetitive strain injury, which is common with avid runners.
It's the crazy idea, that if we keep doing the same movement, using the same muscles (running) in different intensities (jogging, running and sprinting), we can overwork these muscles and joints.

3. Running for weight loss
Running is a great way to start building your fitness, improve your basic aerobic and anaerobic capacity and get better at pumping blood to the working muscles. While a lot of people use running for the purpose of weight loss, we argue it's not an efficient strategy on its own but it can be useful as part of a wider system, to help you in your body transformation.
We also talk about cardio (cardiovascular - or training the cardiac muscle, a.k.a "the heart"), heart rate training and the problem surrounding fatigue.

4. Long distance running (marathons) and heart health
We reference some interesting work by a leading cardiologist examining the heart health of long distance runners and the conclusions are very interesting.

Finally, we give tips on how much running would benefit you the most, and how to use it to your advantage.

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