How many are noticing the shift in the official narrative?

1 year ago

The greatest commonly held fallacy of our age is the belief that the state is more honest and less self serving than private enterprise. Mixed economies where the State is deep in bed with multinational conglomerates have created the most corrupt economies of all time. Mixed economies place the State and private industries in an unholy alliance where they serve one another's interests rather than that of the public. Failed COVID policies are the direct result of the marriage of enormous multinational conglomerates like Pfizer BioNTech and Western governments. We even have good reason to suspect that Pfizer BioNTech's presence at Ground Zero of the outbreak in Wuhan may well have something to do with gain of function research conducted in full cooperation with the CCP. The CCP understands this fully and uses influence peddling to buy corrupt Western leaders who are selling out their own countries' interests to the Communist Chinese!

Hilariously the belief that private enterprise free of state interference is evil because of its inherent greed is simple another way of restating the old socialist fallacy that Capitalism is evil. By the same reasoning the Socialist State being deemed to be free of greed and therefore moral demonstrates an utter ignorance of Socialism in practice. Socialism has murdered hundreds of millions and oppressed countless millions more while Capitalism is based upon uncoerced voluntary exchange where all parties benefit from said exchange otherwise those parties would no longer engage in doing business. When the State coerces people to use an untested product at the tax payers' expense, specifically an unproven vaccine, by making it impossible to keep your employment and travel without it, the State is engaging in tyranny. This also doesn't take into account the side effects of the vaccine which have led to many medical issues including heart disease. The form of socialism resulting from State and private industry combining to form a cooperative entity which doesn't answer to the people whose products and services we are forced to use is properly called Fascism! Words matter. Let's get our semantics straight. We are being railroaded against our will!

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