
2 years ago

On your grand adventure and dreams of growing God’s kingdom, try not to make things bigger than they need to be. While I was so nervous about what kind of conversation I might be about to get myself into, the enemy almost got me to not even try. When it turns out, God just wanted to encourage his daughter.

I can’t help but wonder how many of us are out there complaining about how bad the world is, but are unwilling to talk to someone, and to pray with them. We are ALL sinners who fall short of the glory of God, and the wages of sin is death. But the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus. So don’t be stingy, when your cup overflows.

A friend of mine says that every move of God starts with prayer. Set aside prayer time as an individual, and corporately with your church. Go on prayer walks with a friend, and talk to people. And look for prayer moments, to pray with people you have been led to. These are the “three P’s” of making disciple multipliers.


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