New research suggests 'deaths greater after lockdowns are introduced than before'

1 year ago

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The Australian's Adam Creighton says the latest research which looks at the death rates before and after lockdown in 50 US states and 43 countries around the world finds "deaths are greater after lockdowns are introduced than before".
"It suggests the deaths are a result of social isolation, drug overdoses, missed cancer screenings, and a whole range of things," he told Sky News host Alan Jones.
"They also point out this is just in the first month after lockdown. Many of the problems from lockdowns will manifest themselves in the years to come.
"There's not a single credible scientist before 2020 that has recommended lock downs... so something happened in March last year when we all decided to copy China.
"I think it's all just basic politics. It's the path of least resistance. Politicians lock down because if they don't they'll be blamed for anything that goes wrong."

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