Maria Zakharova: The Ukrainian Crisis & Zelensky's Dirty Bomb!

1 year ago

Russian MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on the Ukrainian crisis and Kiev's preparations to staging a “dirty nuclear bomb” provocation.

On October 25 of this year, in New York, the UN Security Council discussed, at Russia’s request, the Kiev regime’s preparations to stage a provocation with the use of a “dirty” nuclear bomb on the territory under its control. The Russian representatives cited convincing arguments pointing to the serious nature of this problem. In our comment on October 24, we noted that the aim of the provocation prepared by the Ukrainian authorities and their Western curators is to blame Russia for allegedly using a weapon of mass destruction and lead a powerful anti-Russia campaign that will undermine trust in Russia among its numerous partners.

For those who doubt this logic of the Kiev regime, I will recall Vladimir Zelensky’s words about the need to deliver a preventive nuclear strike on Russia rather than waiting around. He urged NATO to do this. When everyone noted this monstrous statement that shocked even the fans of the Kiev regime that appease and support it in every possible way, attempts were made to justify his words. Zelensky said that he was misunderstood, that he ostensibly was talking about economic strikes. We know what he meant. Somehow these strikes are supposed to be a prelude or a response to nuclear strikes by another country. He was willing to start a nuclear confrontation. His unhealthy ambition does not let him stop at the damage that his regime had already inflicted on his country, the region and the world as a whole. His message demands even more victims. Now the President of Ukraine is holding out his hand for nuclear arms. Luckily, he doesn’t have them.

In 2014, public figures holding liberal views saw the horrors happening on Maidan Square, the streets of Kiev. There was not a single Russian soldier or a person associated with our government there – only Ukrainian citizens, mercenaries and militants from Western countries, which were trained with Western money in the Baltic countries and Poland. These Western-oriented people said unanimously – it is sheer luck that a country ruled by these people, who overthrow the government by these methods, does not possess nuclear weapons.

Apparently, back then they had no idea how far this unbridled ambition – generously backed by ample amounts of money and weapons – could go. Now, they need more than just nuclear weapons, which Vladimir Zelensky demanded the international community to provide in February speaking at the Munich Security Conference. They are sparing no effort to show their readiness to use nuclear technology as they see fit, which is nothing short of nuclear blackmail, but on a different level. The Kiev regime is showing its sponsors (the Washington-London Anglo-Saxon duo, Brussels and everyone else who made a political, militarily or financial investment) that if they do not continue to provide and increase their help, it will move on to Plan B.

The Russian Defence Ministry told us about Plan B and cited hard facts. It did so openly, without using any “leaks” or “sources.” Our military held a briefing and expressed, through the Foreign Ministry and our Permanent Mission to the UN, among others, Russia’s concern, which the entire international community, primarily the sponsors of the Kiev regime, which chose to press ahead with its destructive ideology on a different level, should share as well.

This can be backed up by indirect (although, I think, it has already become pretty much direct) evidence: for several months now, the Zelensky-led regime has been firing missiles into the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant. They cared little about the fact that it was a civilian facility. All they cared about was the fact that it was a nuclear energy site. The way Kiev saw it, this shelling attack was supposed to trigger a series of actions and steps on the part of the West that would push the world to the brink of a nuclear disaster. This is exactly what President of Ukraine was talking about. They need a pretext. This “pretext” didn’t work in the case of the Zaporozhye NPP owing to Russia’s efforts.

That took them to the next phase of the terrible, extremist and destructive logic which was the “dirty nuclear bomb.” Those in the West who are now, officially or through the media, saying that things are not what they appear and Kiev has no plans of “rigging up” anything, would benefit from a reminder of what Vladimir Zelensky said to NATO about a preventive nuclear strike. The people in the Western or non-Western countries, who understand what nuclear war and radiation are all about, will never understand their governments if they choose to support the President of Ukraine’s line of thinking. You need a convincing reason and Vladimir Zelensky came up with one. First, it was Zaporozhye NPP and now it’s a “dirty bomb.” He let it slip. I’m not sure why or what condition he was in. But Zelensky let out the plans they are discussing among themselves.

We urge the West to use its influence with its Ukrainian underlings and tell them to turn back from this dangerous and reckless idea and all actions stemming from nuclear blackmail. It could have irreversible consequences, including possible mass loss of innocent civilian lives. We regularly make it clear that radiation has no boundaries. It does not need passports, visas or permits to travel. It cannot be put on the sanctions list or stopped when trying to cross the border pillar mark. Radiation is insidious. It does not ask anyone for permission to go anywhere and has critical consequences for human health and life.

I would like to once again draw your attention to Vladimir Zelensky’s address to the Lowy Institute in Australia on October 6. His was perfectly frank about the use of nuclear weapons. Not by Russia but by NATO, I should stress. He urged the alliance to deliver preemptive strikes at our country before Russia uses nuclear weapons itself. Who believes this was not exactly what he said, please read the transcript.

Why does the Kiev regime want this? It seemed like Ukrainian officials defined themselves as modern, young and future-oriented people. Perhaps there is no contradiction here. They are oriented towards their own personal future. Maybe one reason Kiev uses nuclear blackmail is to extort more Western financial aid (including the large amounts of money that settle in their own bank accounts) and military assistance (to protect themselves rather than the people of Ukraine, and destroying more of Ukraine

Excerpt from weekly briefing of 27.10.22

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