Fireside Chat #4 - Hummus, Song Writing, No Roots bass, Balance & Buckets...

1 year ago

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Charts we talked about

No Roots - Bass Guitar Tablature

All My Loving - Bass Guitar Tablature

0:00 - Vegans and people who fast, both love to tell you about it….
3:27 - Le Mec Songwriting launching this Sunday!
Check out our Spotify here
5:35 - Working titles can be a great launching pad
7:22 - New song Monday!
7:44 - No Roots (Alice Merton) bass guitar tablature and counting chat
12:16 - How to breakdown a tricky rhythm
13:35 - From Rushing to dragging
17:01 - All My Loving - Bass Guitar Tablature - walking bass line
19:05 - Luc has been working on Dreams by Fleetwood Mac (full cover)
20:57 - Nic and Luc both have dropped some balls and dealt with “issues”
21:50 - Balance and Buckets

#podcast #songwriting #balance #noroots #allmyloving

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