How to Forgive Someone || Figuring Out The Meaning You're Giving The Experience

1 year ago

#Howtoforgivesomeone #howtoforgive #ShayoliHope

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How to forgive someone... it's tricky if you don't even recognize that the meaning you are giving to the experience or to the person… isn’t the gospel truth.

YES! It can totally feel like the gospel truth!

But… it’s not.

It’s not necessarily true that because someone else doesn’t value you that you aren’t valuable…

And sometimes it’s hard to be humble and vulnerable enough to admit to yourself that you actually did give that meaning to the situation.

It’s easier to blame and say that you value yourself just fine… it’s THEM!
They just don’t value you. (For example)

The truth is, when you are doing the forgiveness thing, or when you are helping someone else figure out how to forgive someone, that meaning must be ON POINT!

It must be validated lovingly, and while the bigger picture shows us that we have more steps after figuring out that there is a deep and sometimes very painful meaning that you are giving to the past.

Yay for more steps because staying stuck in “They gave me this belief that I don’t think I’m valuable” really, really sucks.

Let’s not stay stuck there.

But first, let’s take the time to drill down on what the actual meaning is.
In this video I give some brief questions to ask to help, but ultimately this takes a lot of listening.

Listening to yourself, if you are processing you.

Listening to the person who is learning how to forgive someone, if you are facilitating.

This is video 3 of a series of 8 tips on forgiveness from Bronwen’s perspective. I hope you come away inspired.

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