The Hidden Sayings of John the Baptist According to the Mandaean Scripture

2 years ago

Source: Sant Mat Radhasoami May 18, 2022 "The Hidden Sayings of John the Baptist: A Voice Crying Out in the Wilderness"

The most significant holy book of the Mandaeans is the Ginza. The Ginza, whose title means “treasure,” is also known as the “great book.” It is divided into two parts, the right Ginza and the left Ginza, the former containing mythological and theological materials, the latter songs for the rituals for the dead. In the selections from the Ginza presented here, the world of light and the world of darkness is portrayed with beautiful and powerful images found in the the Mandaean tradition. Please note that this is not the full Ginza Rba, the Canonical Prayerbook of the Mandaeans, but instead the selective version found in Willis Barnstone and Marvin Meyer's Gnostic Bible which can found at

Manly P. Hall (Knights Templar) -

"Moksha from Earth" about the lighttrap:
"Archons rule Earth" about the 7 planetary rulers:
"Dark Side of Jesus" about John, the true Christos:

Lynn Picknett, Clive Prince - The Templar Revelation. Secret Guardians of the True Identity of Christ
Lynn Picknett, Clive Prince - The Masks Of Christ. Behind the Lies and Cover-ups about the Man Believed to be God
Andrew Philip Smith - John the Baptist and the Last Gnostics: The Secret History

"The Templar Revelation",-Clive-Prince---The-Templar-Revelation.-Secret-Guardians-of-the-Identity-of-Christ:f

Watch: "Jesus was a Usurper",-John-the-Baptist-was-the-True-Christ.-The-Johannite-Tradition.:9

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