A sci-fi reality-movie episode 6.6

2 years ago

A war has been fighting in secret of the mase population in plain sight of everyone against the Creator of the universe this war is being run by an older lifeform Wich have enslave all life and have been destroying your world. There used the human bodies as toys there have complete control over your body and mind if you get close to them. there can make you sexually arose to them, instantly in an incontrollable way. There can also completely still your body by removing your soul through your forehead and sometime there have to also cut your face to extract your soul using superior technology it is extremely easy to identify a body snatcher there are serval ways. the Esias is a unusual slate going downward their forehead also there can only do evil. Unfortunately, Victoria Podoliyanko my partner was target and her body was stolen and replace with a homosexual man's Soul. We were able to save Victoria's soul, but she is not in her body she was born in. Victorias body was used as a toll to hurt the Creator and me first she was used in a gang bang orgy at the Altor of the Creator of the universe, the past around and made to have sex with every one of the attackers of God then made to have sex with all my friends. While attempting to murder Mr. Frantz jean so there can replace him with an impostor. The story gets much deeper, because of the evil behavior, The attacks on The Creator of the Univers the war on Ashtar command pluse all the attacks on Mr. Frantz jean the loss of Vitoria podoliyanko and the complete ignorant of the mase population of everything logic The planetary evacuation has been canceled.
This decision was made by me Mr. frantz jean alone as it is my right to make.
everybody .
p.s there seceded at destroying your world and there lying about that to clamant change is a lie.

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