Baby elephant adorably tries to eat leaves like his mother

2 years ago
21 animals fight till death a street dog fighting with cobra snakeDogs are always known as loyal to their masters. A Labrador killed a cobra and lost his own life to save life of his master and his family in Bargaon block of Sundargarh district.

Krupasindu Panda, a retired bank employee, is an animal lover. He has kept a cow, a cat and a few dogs in his house. Only after his pets take the food, Panda couple goes to eat the food. Panda had a 3- year-old Labrador, whom he fondly called “Prince”.

Prince openly moves in the garden of Panda. On Friday night, after taking dinner, Panda and his wife went to sleep. Prince was moving in the garden outside the house. A cobra was entering into the house of Panda but when Prince saw it, he started barking. Later, they had a face-off. The cobra bit Prince and Prince also bit the snake, following which the cobra died there and Prince after coming to his rest place, died there.

On Saturday morning, when Panda woke up, he saw Prince lying dead after being bitten by a cobra and the cobra lying dead nearby. After hearing about the loyalty of Prince, a number of persons of the locality rushed to the house of Panda to see the deceased dog.

“My Prince lost his life to save our lives from a cobra,” said Krupasindu Panda, while sobbing. “Prince was always obedient and he sacrificed his life for us,” Panda said, adding, “The death of Prince is a personal loss to me.”

Later, Panda and his family members buried Prince inside the premises of their housePuppy training and play
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Puppies can learn very quickly and enjoy a well-designed training session. Here are a few tips to help keep your sessions fun and make sure you and your puppy get the most out of every exercise.This baby elephant lives free on the plains of Kenya, Africa. He's very young, and very small, compared with his mother and the other elephants in his herd. He follows them and watches so that he can learn from everything that they do. He cannot yet digest much of the food around him, but he tries to imitate his herd. In the end, he decides that the brush makes a great place to scratch. He will need the protection of the herd, as lions and hyenas also roam freely here, and either would consider such a young elephant to be an easy meal. But the grown elephants around him will not allow this to happen easily.

Baby elephants nurse milk from their mothers until they are old enough to graze and digest foliage. As adults, they eat only plants. African elephants are the largest land animals on earth. They grow rapidly to become massive and powerful, and formidable in their ability to defend themselves. But for now, this adorable little fellow will stick close and learn from his elders.

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