The New Jerusalem of Borg in the Orion Constellation: A Giant Cube of Lost Souls

2 years ago

See also: "New Jerusalem, The Jesus Of Borg, And The False Heaven Of God"

Sources: "Earth to Orion to New Jerusalem + 2nd Coming"

"The Messianic Secret Hidden Within The Orion Constellation"

"What Is The Spiritual Significance Of Orion?"

I can't imagine a more frightening story than that of the Bible's heaven. Unfortunately most Christians believe heaven as a pleasant eternal vista for which their souls reside as one with their God, forever. Oh, but what they have misconstrued. If one considers the Bible an authoritative source (and after all, that's where the idea of Christian heaven comes from) then you will find little to be desiring about the place called heaven unless you wish to become a mindless soul in a utopian world similar to the world of the Borg as presented by the Star Trek series. How many Christians realize that heaven is a 1500 mile cube city, or that violence and horror occurs from there, and that its inhabitants have little freedom of expression? How many Christians realize that heaven is a 1500 mile cube city? Check the Bible for yourself:

"And he that talked with me had a golden reed to measure the city, and the gates thereof, and the wall thereof. And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal." -Rev. 21:15-16

The city refers to the new Jerusalem, the holy city, a metaphor for heaven. It represents the tabernacle of God where men will dwell with God. Bruce Metzger writes, "The city measures fifteen hundred miles in length, in breadth, and in height (
). But how can a city be a cube? The description is architecturally preposterous, and must not be taken with flat-footed literalism." Of course we must not take the Borg cube literally either. It describes a vision from writers of a science fiction series, similar to the visions of John. Yet if the city of heaven were in space, like the Borg, then indeed, a cube would serve quite well as a description. After all, isn't heaven usually thought of as 'the heavens above'? Metzger continues: "In ancient times the cube was held to be the most perfect of all geometric forms. By this symbolism, therefore, John wants us to understand that the heavenly Jerusalem is absolutely splendid, with a harmony and symmetry of perfect proportions. Furthermore, he says that "the street of the city is pure gold (

)." So also is the technical marvel of the Borg cube. Splendid is its design for a utopian world, filled with alien zombies, united as a Borg consciousness. So also is the description of the Biblical heaven, a perfect cube filled with believers, connected to a powerful mind-drain called God. Both the Star Trek version and the Biblical account of heaven presents a frightening but interesting story about submitting to a powerful entity in a utopian world devoid of personal freedom.

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"Dark Side of Jesus" about John, the true Christos:
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