"Halloween, Ghosts, and Spirits" - Ronald L. Dart

2 years ago

Sermon delivered by Ronald L. Dart - 10/19/96
Halloween is an odd event—very odd, in a way, because in its origins it was not evil; it was actually good. A number of you probably know that “Halloween” is “All Hallows Even”; in other words, All Hallows Eve—the evening before All Hallows. And “All Hallows” is All Saints day. And, originally, All Saints Day (November 1st) was the day when all the saints were honored. In other words, it's a time that the Church had set aside to honor those people who had lived exemplary lives, who had blessed others by their lives, and were considered saints by the Church at that time.

Halloween is a night of great evil. But really, it's a night of great evil only because the devil is invoked in some of the customs and some of the practices. If it were nothing but a harvest festival, it probably wouldn't amount to much. The question is: Is there really a devil, and are there demons in a spirit world that come out on Halloween or at other times? I recently received a letter from a long-time correspondent, and he had what I think is easily the most comprehensive set of questions about the spirit world and the paranormal that I have ever received in my life. I mean, to answer it would require me to write a book, “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the Spirit World But Were Afraid To Ask”. And he gave me a really good list. He asked me about spirit sightings, dreams that come true, UFOs, abductions, strange lights, hauntings, healings, psychics, miracles that seem to have nothing to do with God and yet are miracles, and a whole long list. And he asked that, somewhere along the line, I would do a sermon or a tape or something on the subject. And so you owe this sermon today to my friend who wrote to me about this.
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