Inside WTC7 after WTC2 collapsed but before WTC1 collapsed

1 year ago

Excerpt from NIST FOIA Raw CBS 9/11 WTC Footage (05:26 - 09:19 from the footage / 10:16 - 10:19 real 9/11 time).

15 minutes after the first Twin Tower's collapse, CBS camera-man runs into the building 7's lobby. The alarm sound here is distinctly different from alarms of fire-engines and ambulances heard outside. A "certain" alarm system existed in the WTC-7 and transmitted "certain" signals towards the rest of the WTC complex. The transmission of it was turned off at 6:47 AM September 11, 2001, and this was due to last 8 hours. (Source: NIST, "Interim Findings And Accomplishments", in Progress Report on the Federal Building and Fire Safety Investigation of the World Trade Center, Vol.1.,28.).

The CBS reporter encounters a certain Mr. Bennette who wears a VRU hood (the VRU hood is intended as a means of breath protection against biological ,chemical, and radioactive hazards.

Mr. Bennette urges the man to leave and says that everyone has already gone from the building 7 and only he remained there to control that nobody goes "downstairs" (since he urges the CBS man to leave the WTC-7 and the way to leave it is apparently downstairs, it should be presumed that by saying "that nobody goes downstairs" Mr. Bennette obviously means some underground premises, not simply the way down out of the WTC-7 lobby).

Mr. Bennette refuses to elaborate, but tells the CBS reporter his surname and admits to be from the Secret Service.

The most incriminating thing, however, is that in his left hand Mr. Bennette holds a typical construction helmet -- a highly unusual thing to be worn by the Secret Service personnel (especially considering that the supposedly "unexpected" collapse of the South Tower has occurred only 15 minutes ago, while the collapse of the North Tower was yet to happen). The Secret Service folks could, perhaps, wear steel combat helmets, in a certain situation, but not the plastic contraction helmets... The plastic construction helmets are typically worn only by construction workers (Mr. Bennette is apparently not the one) and by... demolition men.

Judging by elementary logic, it should be presumed Mr. Bennette was also a part of the WTC demolition team -- considering the fact that he was issued the construction helmet (do you know that members of demolition teams typically wear construction helmets?)

I hope you got the point...

If you watch this video attentively enough, you will notice one more interesting (if, again, not an outright incriminating) detail at 2:03-2:06 from the beginning of this clip Mr. Bennette says in regard to the South Tower collapse:

"...I haven't seen outside the building [WTC-7] yet..."

And yet, despite he has not been outside the WTC-7 yet, Mr. Bennette (with the construction helmet in his hand) shows remarkable knowledge regarding the details of the South Tower collapse that just happened 15 minutes previous

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