Pre-school aged children ‘shouldn’t know about COVID-19’

1 year ago

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Child psychologist Clare Rowe says she doesn’t think pre-school aged children should know about COVID-19.

“You shouldn’t be mentioning it, talking about it until you need to,” she told Sky News host Paul Murray.

“You’ve got to remember, for the majority for these kids, kind of in their memory-filled lives people have worn masks, so personally I think a lot of kids at that age aren’t really asking cause it’s just kind of normal – which is kind of sad.

“If they do ask, you say something along the lines of, ‘darling some people have a cold we just want to make sure we don’t get sick’, full stop.”

hubby & I are carers & Grandparents of preschoolers. We've said & done the same as this very smart young lady & we agree the conversations you have & the language used around the children during this plandemic is age appropriate & the outcomes & repercussions to the children's mental health & well being is detrimental.

Unfortunately the Australian Government especially Victoria & my grandkids mum think it's all good for them & enjoy harming children imo

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