Friday Night Whisky Lounge! Elon Has Bought Twitter! Fat Representation in Disney?

1 year ago

Friday has come and to be honest, some of us just need a quiet place to come, have a drink, hang out and talk about random happenings in their life and in the culture in general. Welcome to my lounge. Come say hello, drink something nice, enjoy the music, and talk about nerdy stuff.
Today, the big story of the week is Elon officially taking Twitter by the horns and driving it his way. Need to talk about it for a bit. Also, Disney has taken a turn towards a character that embrasses herself. Is this a good way to go about it. Finally, we will always take some time to talk about anime. There are one or two that I want to bring up, as well as a possible new anime to talk about, Burn the Witch .

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