Peace & Saftey & The World Occult UN Plans (Lucis Trust)

2 years ago

Proponents of world peace claim that humanity is moving into the New Age of Aquarius. The Age of Aquarius is allegedly and transition into a new era for society; a time of peace, joy and harmony among the citizens of the world.

This New Age Utopia includes the formation of a new religion - the religion of the New Age. But the new age religion is not a religion. It can best be described as spiritual humanism because it involves the creation of a spiritual system that does not worship the God of the Bible. Instead, the 'god' of the new age spiritual movement is Lucifer.

This new one-world religion preaches tolerance. It is tolerant of every religion except Christianity. This video explains why that is, and every Christian needs to know about the not-so-secret agenda of the peace movement.

This is compulsory viewing for any serious-minded Christian who seeks to understand what is really happening behind the scenes.

Video By Alan Vincent

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