US General Wesley Clark - Pentagon story of Bilderberg New World Order "Foreign Policy Coup" plans

2 years ago

When some people say things have been planned out and certain people are poised to benefit financially and through consolidation of power, it is the delusional ramblings of a lunatic conspiracy theorist.

What do you say when countless pieces of information are evaluated over time and proven to be correct? Conspiracy fact? The ugly truth? Too little too late?

US General Wesley "Wes" Clark shares a story I have never forgotten, and I have been constantly reminded of as I have seen the pieces of the geopolitical power grab puzzle fall into place.

He shares how plans for every American conflict in the "war on terror" was planned and ready immediately following 9/11.

New World Order through Bilderberg group stake-holder policies implemented by "Deep State" "Shadow Government" entrenched bureaucrats that remain even when heads of state change.

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