Joe Biden Again Falsely Claims Gas Prices Are Down Since Election When They're Actually WAY UP

2 years ago

Joke Biden made the remarks in Pennsylvania 10/28/22
When Biden took office gas was under $3 a gallon all over the country, opened up our strategic reserves to try and lower prices ahead the the election and has also been selling oil to China, now we are down 40% of our oil from the reserves that Donald Trump filled up when oil was only $20 a barrel, Biden says he plans to start buying oil at $70 a barrel but that will never happen with Biden in office, he stopped drilling for oil on all the federal lands his first day in office then he asked Saudi Arabia to raise their oil prices then he went hat in had to beg for oil from Saudi Arabia and they turned him down! this guy needs to get locked up for treason for selling our oil that is for emergencies like war to China!!! another 10% for the big guy!!! Another thing is Biden has inflation the highest in over 40 years, he pulled a Jimmy Carter and put us in another recession!!! Biden will double the national debt even faster than Obama!!!

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